Fall into Fitness

Summertime ending doesn’t mean the end of keeping active. Life becoming more scheduled with work and school, can make it tougher to commit to. Have you ever noticed how all the great television shows and movies are released towards the Fall-Winter season? Most of us tend to spend more time indoors this time of year curled up on the sofa with a good book or the TV remote. The best time to NetFlix and chill is here but there are other ways to keep fit this fall!

Soak Up The Beauty and Fresh Air

There is no better time of year to enjoy a hike and soak up the beauty all around us. The colours on the changing trees offer a tranquil view while out getting some fresh Autumn air. While some temperatures may have already dropped into the freezing zone, you may need to add an extra layer of clothing and a scarf. Did you know that fresh air can make you happy? The amount of serotonin produced in the body is affected by oxygen. Much like how deep breathing is crucial for meditation, the more oxygen you breathe in, the more serotonin your body can produce.

Healthy Habits

Often life becomes more about routine and keeping things on a tight schedule. Work commitments, kids and school plus all the after-school activities, can all become hectic at times. Adding some active routines to your schedule can help to keep you and your family fit this Fall. Taking a family walk after dinner is a great routine to add to daily life. Not only are you helping to digest the meal you just ate but helping to burn off extra calories.

Put Down The Devices

More and more time is being spent in front of a computer, tablet or phone screen. In 2015 the average teenager spent 6 hours a day in front of a screen. Today, in 2017 teens can spend as much as 9 hours a day in front of a screen, not including time in school. Adults often spend their screen time at work, so in comparison, the 6 hours a day most adults are in front of their screen, seems dramatically lower than our kids. By taking the time after dinner for a family walk, (no devices allowed) we’re not only adding extra healthy physical activity but encouraging time together as a family for everyone!





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